A letter from the CEO of Invok Brands

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My Invok Brands partners, Richard Shear, Michael Azulay, and I, want to say hello and extend our best wishes to you after a challenging year-and-a-half. We also want to introduce our new monthly letter, Consider This. Each month, we will share an evocative letter with insights and thought leadership intended to leave you pondering the big and meaningful questions in our industry. Why do this? Because we want to contribute to our community of brand professionals. We believe in earning trust and building a legacy, not just with our clients but our community, too.


In this first letter, it seems appropriate to refresh your memory about who we are. Richard Shear, Michael Azulay, and I formed Invok Brands in 2015. Our shared values include trust, building relationships that last a lifetime, and running an agency where people love to work. Each partner brings a different set of expertise to the business – if you are receiving this letter, you likely know one of us! Together we have built a company with loyal, trusted clients who share the immense pride that comes with being an integral part of a creative journey to success.

Family is incredibly important to me and I’m a magnet to nature. Combined, these create my greatest memories.

As the CEO of Invok Brands, I am proud of our success. When we founded the agency, we set out to work in concert with our client partners and take them on a collaborative, creative journey. We know we have succeeded because clients repeatedly tell us that we are approachable, knowledgeable, and inspirational guides who make the project journey easy for them. They value our responsible, respectful, bright, and partner-oriented teams. They like working with us to achieve their brand dream. And we love working with them.


Our work tends to come from our networks, which are full of wonderful people who have taken us with them through their careers. Maybe this is because while we know your brand's legacy is important, we also want you to shine in your career.

From years of experience in the industry, we know that our co-creative, collaborative approach is the best way for us to connect your brand to your consumer. The road from start to finish, or strategy to creative, has many stops. We arrive when we have found the way, through design, to bond your consumer to your brand and its purpose emotionally. Reaching this point is a transformative moment. We chose the name Invok Brands in honor of this transformative moment. Our work elicits, from your consumer, meaningful associations with your brand. This is connection. This is the start of a conversation. This is how imagination meets purpose.

I love to travel and be inspired by local culture and art.
Biking is my me-time release. Since 2014 I have taken part in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation ride to raise funds for a cause that is personal to me as a diabetic.